Hold it right there- I know I said I was going to update every single day about what I do throughout the day but life just got a hold of me and threw me for a loop.
So whats new?
A lot, you could say.
Been spending time with really great people- learning a lot about who I am becoming/who I am/who I don't want to be. Also learning about what kinds of people I need in my life to encourage me/build me up/speak truth into me.
On that note, I should say that I am really really lucky to have astounding people in my life. Really, I was just overcome by that reality tonight on my drive back to Canton. Even in the moments when I think I make poor decisions, these people still love me and still push me back onto my feet again. For that, I am so thankful.
But, I also have some unhealthy relationships in my life that pull me down and suck everything out of me. Thats one thing in this whole cut back kick that I'm in that needs to be mastered. I know what I deserve and am reclaiming new levels of standards- of which, I wont settle or lower even in the moments where I feel the weakest. I need you to hold me to it though- because honestly, its really tough for me. Why? It shouldnt be, right? Well, I just care about some of these people- really deeply. And to have to learn balance and even as far as cutting some branches, thats really really difficult. But, I know that its going to hurt but in hurting, restoration and renewal comes. So, bring it on.
This week I get to spend with some incredible 8th graders and totally rockin youth leaders. I am stoked. Its totally going to beat me up going straight from the gym, to work, to the missions trip- but, I wouldn't have it any other way.
Be praying for them- that they would know grace, that they would know what serving in your own backyard looks like, that they would know that they are loved, and especially that they would be love.
Grace and peace to you,
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