Hello, blog world! Its been a while! I say that everytime, I know. Life has been interesg lately. But good. The service trip with my 8th graders was fantastic. They teach me how to love everyday and show me what Jesus looks like with every person they choose to love. It kills me to think that they are moving to the highschool group in a matter of weeks. However, I couldn't have imagined working with any other group my first year of being a leader. They are such strong individuals and I am so hopeful for the future as they become the next leaders. What's next for me? I think ill be working with the 7th graders. At first I was going to be with the incoming 6th graders but given that I only have two years left in Canton it makes sense to stick with a group that I can finish with. So, that's the plan as of now. That could change at any minute so don't hold me to it. I get so pumped up and excited praying for whatever students I get to work with. I know that this coming year I want to be such a strong source of love for whoevers paths meet mine and those who don't. Pray for that for me. Because honestly loving is such a daily battle. I'm not sure if its like that for you but recently I've just been wounded to the point of putting up walls so I wouldn't have to be hurt again. Every time that I pray against that God reminds me, "my daughter, don't give up on love. Fight for it. With all you've got". So, ill fight. Ill fight for vulnerability. Ill fight even thought I know the risk of getting hurt is high. At the same time as being wounded, I've also been overwhelmed with love. Contradicting, right? I say this in almost every update but I really do have the best friends and family anyone could ever ask or hope for. And I'm so thankful for the moments of truth that alwasy seem to break through in my moments of weakness. Dispite how much loving can tax my strength, I won't give up. I refuse to give up on loving people. It might be a daily battle but its a daily battle I refuse to surrender to.
Until next time,
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