
he wants it.

"If we know how great is the love of Jesus for us we will never be afraid to go to Him in all our poverty, in our weakness, all of our spiritual wretchedness and infirmity. indeed, when we understand the true nature of His love for us, we will prefer to come to Him poor and helpless. We will never be ashamed of our distress. Distress is to our advantage when we have nothing to seek but mercy. We can be glad of our helplessness when we really believe that His power is made perfect in our infirmity...We must love our own poverty as Jesus loves it. It is so valuable to Him that He died on the Cross to present our poverty to His Father, and endow us with the riches of His own infinite mercy. We must love the poverty of others as Jesus loves it. We must see them with the eyes of His own compassion." -Thomas Merton, Thoughts in Solitude

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