

It's been a while. So much has happened within me in the past month or so. Redemption has taken over areas of my heart which were once haunting. There is something to be said about allowing grace to soak into those ugly areas. I'm not exactly sure what the words are that give justice to it all, but I know that my heart is continually being renewed and redeemed. Not only just in the Tim area- but in areas where I was stupid and made poor decisions. Whether that be choosing poor people to give pieces of my heart to, or feeling completely empty and alone yet running to things or people who provide temporary fulfillment- none of it worked. And if anything, it left me that much more empty and broken. Which, somehow, God looks at and calls beauty? It boggles my mind. Anyways, thats what I'm being reminded of daily- of redemption, renewal, and grace. And somehow, I am loved and a stronger person that I was yesterday. I am being made new. And my heart is opening up to something so new and so good- something that I never thought I deserved. Girls, trust me when I say that you should never, ever, ever settle for being treated like dirt. Never. You were not made to feel like you are stupid. You were not made to feel like you're only worthy of someone who will throw you on the ground and spit on you then run back to you claiming some magical "change" has happened. You deserve more. I am sure of it. Listen to me. There is hope. I promise.
I spent the weekend in Florida with my wonderful family. Who does that- goes to Florida just for the weekend? Given, we went Friday and Monday, too, but really- who just does that for a few days? It was refreshing. It was everything I expected it to be- and more. The conversation that went on between all of us- whether it be figuring out whats "genetic" and similar within our family, holding baby Isaiah, talking about Judaism verses following Christ and where our hearts were in that, or learning about love and commitment through listening to the life stories of my beautiful 89 year old Grandma- it all was perfect and beautiful. My family means the world to me and I probably don't express it as much as it deserves.
Well, I'm off to 4 hours of class. Yuck.
Hope you are well.

1 comment:

stephanie mary said...

You ARE being made new.
What a beautiful reality.

Glad you shared.