

As I sit at the Starbucks Brian and I had our first date at, ironically across the street from the Bravo we dined at after he asked me to marry me and as Damien Rice, Delicate, plays on the Starbucks speakers, I am astounded at how much has changed in my life in the past year or so. I have fallen into this kind of love that I do not deserve. I have been captivated by a man who pursues me, chases after me despite my efforts to run and push away- a man who teaches me who Jesus is every single day. It boggles my mind that such love is possible. Don't get me wrong, we of all people understand that relationships are work- and there are going to be days when you have to choose to love the other- but something deep within me tells me it's worth it. It's worth it to reveal yourself to someone. It's worth it to show the ugly places of your heart to the man who guides your world. Its hard, yes. Its work, yes. Its emotionally draining some days, absolutely. But somehow, even that is worship. Even that is beautiful and rich and valuable.

Praise be to God.

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